April for Ecology was a month of fine tuning and good process implementation. I feel that we’ve been able to make real improvements in so many ways. Daily structure, team resources, team upskilling, office vibe and workflow in general - the office really feels like it’s starting to ‘hum’ so to speak. Sure, there’s always room for improvement - I won’t deny that; but, as the old saying goes “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time” not that I plan on eating an elephant anytime soon, it’s a figure of speech!
Market wise, I feel that the market in April took a really positive turn - maybe it’s just our headspace? Whatever it is, we’ll take it. Buyer activity has increased again and we’re noticing that the lack of new property hitting the market is creating genuine demand from qualified buyers and they’re making decisions. We’re noticing day to day things like increased buyer inspection requests (not just open house visitors), buyers proactively wanting to be contacted about new properties and buyers wanting more hands on assistance to find a suitable property again... for a little while there some of those cues were harder to find in the day to day because supply outweighed demand; a good sign! The election this year doesn’t seem to be bothering the market locally as much as it usually does, it feels a lot like the population (at least the people who I cross paths with) are a little tired and just want to get back to living again - a sentiment I can 100% relate to and support.
‘Success’ wise, the office wrote another four sale contracts at varying price points in April; a land sale at $280,000 and three house sales ranging from $375,000 to $715,000. It’s nice to see activity at a range of price points and in a range of locations.
May 2019 feels like it’ll be a good one, including David’s 60th Birthday - and no doubt some further progress to be made on a real estate front. Thanks for reading.