It never ceases to amaze me just how fast each month goes by - I really quite enjoy the responsibility of writing a monthly blog post; it's a good way to keep track of what’s happening and just how fast time flies by when we're having fun.
We've had a good month this month; not a month void of any challenges - but a good month. As time passes by and different sets of circumstances present themselves in the line of work, I'm continually learning a great amount and I've felt some of the biggest learnings have been around understanding my own strengths and weaknesses. If I'm completely honest, up until quite recently I've struggled a little with establishing just what support I need to have around me on the daily basis to get the best out of myself, which in turn gets the best outcomes for our clients. I've also learnt that by getting the most out of myself, I'm happier; which in turn creates a happier environment and I'm very thankful for where we are at currently - we're moving in the right direction and feeling better than ever.
The election is now done & won and while I won't spectate too much on the specifics - it's great to feel some stability and confidence in the marketplace again. I must admit though; the election campaign this time around didn't feel too affect us too much - we still had some good results, I think if anything it just affected the number of new properties coming on the market for a little while.
At the close of May we were sitting at 27 unconditional sales - with 6 new contracts signed in May. Varying price points again; $363,000 (Land) - $386,000 - $502,500 - $555,000 - $745,000 - $770,000.
In regards to new properties coming up; some good ones there too - we've listed four around our office in the North-East corner of late and also forged some strong relationships with other business owners for long term business opportunities there... so more to come on those soon.
As always - thanks heaps for reading and your ongoing support. I'm loving being a business owner and building our brand nearly as much as I'm loving being a partner & new dad.