January 2019 for me personally, was the most significant month of my life so far; with Rhiannon & I giving birth to our first child - a baby boy, Orlo Matthew...
2019 came around quickly for us; with the spring market starting a little late and then running right into the end of 2018 - a little unlike what can usually happen with a softening of the market during December, while people focus on family and rest; as they should.
January 2019 for me personally, was the most significant month of my life so far; with Rhiannon & I giving birth to our first child - a baby boy, Orlo Matthew; on the 16th day of the month. Learning of Orlo's impending arrival onto earth was the main catalyst for us beginning this business at the time we did - I wanted to give Rhiannon the flexibility to work when she wanted to work rather than having me rely on her so heavily (as I have done for many years now). I wanted to be able to have infrastructure and a team around me so that we could function well without one of us being present in the business - I look forward to being able to step away for some family time every now and then over the future time as our baby boy grows and finds his way.
On a business front; we finished January at 17 unconditional sales since beginning Ecology Property on September 1st 2018. It was a slower time for unconditional sales with a lot of our sales getting locked in prior to the end of the year & a lot of settlements taking place throughout January. On the upside; we still had & continue to have, a great number of superb properties available as the buying market starts to get back into the swing of routine life for the year ahead (albeit a little funny currently on the lending front, a change that needed to happen I feel - but that's a whole other topic!)